On this page, you can set your important preferences such as adding your own class/variable prefixes, option to output REM units, set your min and max screen widths, root font size, plus more.
Last updated
On this page, you can set your important preferences such as adding your own class/variable prefixes, option to output REM units, set your min and max screen widths, root font size, plus more.
Last updated
Give your project a title to easily identify it. This title will also be used as the file name when exporting your preset.
Select the default theme for your project. Use .cf-theme-dark on the element for manual dark mode. Auto will use system preferences.
If you are not seeing the selected theme being applied, please make sure to view the website from incognito, because sometimes a cookie is stored when logged in from when using the theme toggle.
You can choose between 100% and 62.5% for the root font size. Values in fluid calculators (spacing and typography) will get automatically recalculated.
Screen width for the minimum size in fluid calculators (spacing and typography).
Screen width for the maximum size in fluid calculators (spacing and typography).
If using a website builder, we recommend setting the max screen width the same as you have it set in your builder.
Use PostCSS to process the outputted CSS to automatically include vendor prefixes and fallbacks to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
With PostCSS, you can write your CSS rules without vendor prefixes (in fact, forget about them entirely!)
For example, this CSS:
Automatically becomes:
Pixel values in typography and spacing will get automatically recalculated and outputted in REM.
Generates more iterations on the value to create smoother linear gradients for enhanced visual appeal.
Add a custom prefix in front of all Core Framework classes, to avoid conflicts with existing classes with the same generic name.
If you decide to add class prefixes, we recommend setting this before building your website. If you have added classes to your elements and then decide to use class prefixes later, then you will need to re-add the classes to your elements!
Add a custom prefix before every Core Framework variable (colors, spaces, and sizes), to avoid conflicts with existing variables with the same generic name.
If you decide to add variable prefixes, we recommend setting this before building your website. If you have added variables to your elements and then decide to use variable prefixes later, then you will need to re-add the variables to your elements and classes!
Disable hover styles on touch devices for improved user experience.
If enabled, all animations will be disabled when the user has enabled the 'Reduce motion' option in their OS settings.
Enable a clickable parent class to use on your links. This is useful for adding to card titles, which will expand the clickable area and improve accessibility. By default, this class name is .expand-click
Please remember to set the parent wrapper to position: relative;
so that the expansion does not go over the bounds of the wrapper.
A focusable parent is added on click by default, toggle this option to turn it off.
Enable comments in the final stylesheet to identify and organize groups easily.
Choose between a light, dark and gray theme for the Core Framework user interface.
Please note that this is only for the appearance of Core Framework and not the website itself.
Remove all data on uninstall, including core framework classes and colors from builders (can't be undone).
Change all instances of the name of the plugin within the WordPress dashboard.
Change the icon of the plugin, which must be an .svg file. You can reset this back to default by hovering over the icon and clicking on the red trash icon.
Change the author of the plugin located in the Plugins section.
Change the description of the plugin located in the Plugins section.
Here, you can hide the plugin completely from the WordPress menu.
You can regain access by using the following path:
Reset to default
This option will reset the entire framework and preferences to the default settings. Please be advised that this option cannot be reversed!